Halloween isn't just for candies and dressing up. It is also the perfect season to unleash that magical artistic prowess! The moon is on our side! Grab those art supplies, tap on that creative side and be spooky!

Category: Arts & Crafts

Grade Level: K, 1st, 2nd, 3rd

File Type: PDF

Language: English

Pages: 5




These adorable Halloween friends are the best decor for your Halloween-inspired room. These Halloween paper chains don't require a lot of materials to make so draw those silly and spooky Halloween friends to your heart's content!

Students shall be able to make adorably spooky Halloween paper chains by just using strips of paper and a marker!
Materials & Supplies
Orange Paper, Green Paper, Light Black Paper, Black Marker, Scissors, Googly Eyes (small), Googly Eyes (big), Glue or Tape