Can experimenting with food coloring, glue, and dishwashing liquid blow you away by the results? With the help of the molecules from the glue and the dishwashing soap, you can create a fantastic result to add to your craft collection.

Category: Science

Grade Level: 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th

File Type: PDF

Language: English

Pages: 5




Glue contains water as well as polyvinyl acetate, a much longer and more flexible chemical compound. These long, flexible molecules move through the water like strands of boiled spaghetti. When the food coloring drops are added, the combination of water and polyvinyl acetate molecules prevents them from spreading widely.

In this lesson, students must be able to mix all of the colors and then let them react with the dishwashing soap while waiting for the exciting outcome of their experiment.
Materials & Supplies
Glue, Red Food Coloring, Blue Food Coloring, Yellow Food Coloring, Toothpick, Petri Dish, Dishwashing Soap, Small Cup, Measuring Spoons, Cup of water