Need some help organizing those bits and bobs? In this activity, you will create a colorful trinket organizer using the art of paper folding. So grab those papers and fold them away!

Category: D.I.Y.

Grade Level: K, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th

File Type: PDF

Language: English

Pages: 10




We sometimes collect too many trinkets that end up strewn away somewhere. An organizer may help us organize and store those trinkets neatly. Use this activity to enhance your students' dexterity and help them create their own paper organizer using only paper and glue.

Students should be able to make their own paper file organizer using a set of papers and glue!
Materials & Supplies
Red A4 Construction Paper, Orange A4 Construction Paper, Yellow A4 Construction Paper, Green A4 Construction Paper, Blue A4 Construction Paper, Indigo A4 Construction Paper, Violet A4 Construction Paper, White A4 Cardstock, School Glue, Scissors, Ruler, Assorted Colored Markers, Pencil, Velcro Strip, Double Sided Tape