We all love bell pepper in pizza, roast beef, salads, pasta, and in hundreds of other dishes but do we know how to grow bell pepper? It is a lot easier than you think! All you need are seeds, trays, and some green thumb magic!

Category: Agriculture

Grade Level: 3rd, 4th, 5th

File Type: PDF

Language: English

Pages: 6




This activity involves basic agricultural skills and knowledge like preparing a seed pot, sowing seeds, watering, and taking care of very young plants. Using bell pepper, students will learn how a seed germinates into a small sprout and how to make sure this sprout grows well. It is hoped that this activity will foster a greater appreciation for nature among the students.

The students should be able to grow bell pepper sprouts from seeds properly.
Materials & Supplies
Bell pepper seeds, Organic 12-cell germination trays, Potting soil (2 pounds), Mini gardening trowel, Masking tape, Marker, Any potted plant, Scissors, Cup of Water