Make today ex-straw special with a drink that will definitely make you feel smooth-- and healthy, too! Prepare to welcome a fiber and minerals-filled deliciousness into your tummy.

Category: Cooking

Grade Level: 3rd, 4th, 5th

File Type: PDF

Language: English

Pages: 7




In this lesson, the students will work in groups. Each group will prepare a smoothie. The tutor will provide different recipes for each group. Lastly, the students will be tasked to discuss the health benefits of their smoothies.

In this activity, the students are expected to prepare a delicious smoothie and explain how it benefits their health.
Materials & Supplies
Banana, Mango, Apple, Spinach, Cauliflower, Oats, Maple Syrup, Milk, Blender, Tall Glass, Drinking Straw, Printed Copies of the Recipe Card