Art has always been a potent weapon for depicting social issues and pushing for change. With this activity, students can express their desire for peace and equality by making a meaningful artwork.

Category: Arts & Crafts

Grade Level: 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th

File Type: PDF

Language: English

Pages: 8




People and the general public use art to visualize and experience the emotions and narratives shared by its creators. In this activity, the students will make an MLK-inspired agamograph. Through this art project, students can share the aspirations and dreams MLK once dreamed of and let his legacy continue to inspire others.

Students should be able to make an agamograph to commemorate Martin Luther King Jr. Day!
Materials & Supplies
White Cardstock, Crayons, Pencil, Scissors, Black Marker, Glue Stick, Printed Agamograph Template