As some may say, dancing is a form of art in motion. Unlock the students' dancing skills and have the class watch them express themselves through their graceful dancing movements!

Category: Fun Friday

Grade Level: 3rd, 4th, 5th

File Type: PDF

Language: English

Pages: 5




In this activity, the students will prepare a one minute dance routine that they will present in front of their classmates. This will be a fun activity because the students will be able to perform their favorite dance steps.

The students are expected to perform their favorite or original dance moves for a one minute routine in front of their classmates.
Materials & Supplies
Music Playing Device (students may use own smartphone), Container for drawing names (fish bowl, coffee can, hat etc.), Cardstock for drawing names, Scissors, Pencil (optional), Dry Erase Answer Paddle (Scorecard), Chisel Tip Dry Erase Marker with Eraser, Scoreboard (optional), Bottled Water, Award (or candy, snacks, or school supplies)