Where do monsters go when they have nothing to do? Hangout in trees, perhaps? Put this mental picture into an actual artwork in this activity and see how it goes!

Category: Arts & Crafts

Grade Level: K, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th

File Type: PDF

Language: English

Pages: 6




In this arts and crafts activity, the students will cut out and decorate their Halloween Tree using fun and spooky creatures. The big challenge will only be more interesting as the students design their own Halloween Creatures out of selected craft materials.

The students should be able to make a Halloween Tree with spooky, detachable creatures, on it.
Materials & Supplies
Scissors, Felt (Halloween Colors), Glue, Pen, Googly Eyes (various sizes), Velcro Strips, Video Player, Printed Halloween Tree Template on Thick Cardstock, Halloween Creatures Images