Pablo Picasso, a famous Spanish painter, said that all the things that we can imagine are real. This very idea will be applied in this activity as the students will try to recreate one of his famous works!

Category: Arts & Crafts

Grade Level: 6th, 7th, 8th

File Type: PDF

Language: English

Pages: 9




In this lesson, the students will be able to make their own version of Pablo Piccaso's giant sculpture that is made of stone and steel. The students will use improvised materials and will use cardstock and paper tubes instead. They will draw, color, and make a sculpture using cardstock and make it stand on a paper tube.

After this lesson, the students are expected to make a sculpture out of their drawings and paper tube.
Materials & Supplies
Paper Craft Tube (paper towel size), Heavy Cardstock, Oil Pastels, Paint, Paint Brush, Black Marker, Pencil, Scissors, Box Cutter, Hot Glue Gun, Hot Glue Sticks, Old Magazine/Newspaper, Picasso's Classical Paper Sculpture Sample