1...2...3... can you guess what I am? In this activity, allow your youngsters interact with and investigate numbers whilst having a good laugh with the help of the game Hedbanz just with a twist!

Category: STEAM

Grade Level: 3rd, 4th, 5th

File Type: PDF

Language: English

Pages: 9




Children must have the chance to encounter and learn about numbers. Some of the key ideas are understanding amount, learning to count, and recognizing numbers are essential in their daily lives. And in this activity, youngsters can learn better about describing numbers whilst having fun and laughs.

Students shall be able to learn about number sense with the help of the game hedbanz with a twist.
Materials & Supplies
Stretchy Headband, Timer, Jar, Scissors, Lamination Machine, Lamination Sleeves, Laminated set of number flash cards, Printed 1-10 numbers