Not only can nature provide good lighting for our photos, it can capture an image, itself, as well! Have the students learn and explore all about photogram as they try this activity.

Category: Arts & Crafts

Grade Level: 6th, 7th, 8th

File Type: PDF

Language: English

Pages: 6




Photograph but with no camera? Photograms are the key! In this activity, the students will create various images with the use of sun-sensitive papers and objects from nature. These will be aided by the natural light of the sun.

The students will be able to create their own photogram using sun-sensitive papers and opaque objects from nature.
Materials & Supplies
Sun-Sensitive Paper, Thumbtacks (10 for each student) or, Tape (can be shared), Scissors, Cardboards, Opaque Objects from Nature (leaves, flowers, etc.), Folder or Brown Envelope, Tray with Water