1,2,3...1,2,3...The fractions on the music sheet are not for you to do math with, but to make sure your music the right beat. Learn how to properly count your music with this fun time signature activity. You'll never get out of beat on this one.

Category: Music

Grade Level: 3rd, 4th, 5th

File Type: PDF

Language: English

Pages: 6




There are no drawbacks to introducing youngsters to music through enjoyable activities that are beneficial in honing their musical capabilities and interests. Introduce musical concepts, such as a time signature, to explain how to count the music, how certain beats are played out, and notably, to describe what the music's "mood" could be expected to sound like.

Students shall be able to learn about time signatures with the help of this caterpillar activity.
Materials & Supplies
Scissors, Printed Worksheet