Saving money isn't just a smart financial habit to develop, it can be fun! This activity is a fun way to help you develop the habit of saving by making your own money bank where you can deposit your spare coins.

Category: D.I.Y.

Grade Level: K, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th

File Type: PDF

Language: English

Pages: 8




It's crucial to instill the idea among students that money shouldn't just be used for purchases; instead, it should also be saved on a regular basis. In this activity, students shall enjoy the process of making their own money bank while learning about frugality.

Students should be able to have fun making their own piggy banks using just pieces of cardboard.
Materials & Supplies
12" x 12" Corrugated Board, Ruler, Pencil, Scissors, Hot Glue Gun with Sticks, Skewer Stick, Plastic bottle lip and cap, Acrylic Paints, Black Marker, Paint brush, Cutter, Old newspaper or Scratch Paper, Dimes