Learning new stuff can sometimes be intimidating but in this activity, we will help you make learning physics cool and fun! So grab those thinking hats and explore the beauty of simple machines.

Category: STEAM

Grade Level: 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th

File Type: PDF

Language: English

Pages: 5




Make physics fun and exciting with this activity and engage your students in how simple machine works. With just very few materials students can easily re-create a basic simple machine to observe and learn from.

Students shall be able to make one simple machine, in this case, Gears, using flat rounded styrofoam and multiple bead pins. This will help them better understand the mechanism of simple machines in action.
Materials & Supplies
2" diameter flat round styrofoam, 3" diameter flat round styrofoam, 10" x 10" Cardboard, Sewing Pins, Metal Paper Fasteners