Bzzt! Bzzt! Is that a robot I see? Put your thinking caps on for this activity where you will meet the next big thing while it is still small, the Groovy Robot! This activity will help learners practice their critical thinking and motor skills.

Category: STEAM

Grade Level: 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th

File Type: PDF

Language: English

Pages: 5




This engineering activity will show the students the mechanism that helps robots move. All they need are a a few craft materials and they are ready to go and create it.

The students should be able to make a robot that wiggles when turned on.
Materials & Supplies
Disposable Cup, Masking Tape (or Electrical Tape), AA Battery, 2-AA Battery Holder, Marker, Googly Eyes, DC Motor (1.5-3V), Scissors, Hot Glue & Gun, Printer Paper, Large Wine Cork