The sun is a known primary source of light. But it can do so much more than that! Discover how photovoltaics works and the process that goes through from the sun to our appliances.

Category: Science

Grade Level: 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th

File Type: PDF

Language: English

Pages: 8




Students learn how photovoltaics enables us to transform the sun's energy into electricity through the use of cells. Through a video, short activity, and student journals, students will learn about solar engineering capabilities.

Students will define photovoltaics, photovoltaic cells, solar energy, and solar panels; and explain the mess of renewable energy for power.
Materials & Supplies
TV or projector connected to computer, Lined sheet of Paper, Ballpoint pen, Cell Phone with Mematic installed from the App Store or Google Play, Printed Activity Sheets, Bell or Chime