You are lucky when the stars align for you and your whims! But not every one of us has that kind of luck in our lives. Sometimes, we might feel down and gloomy. So, grab some of those fortune cookies and find out what your future might hold!

Category: Arts & Crafts

Grade Level: K, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th

File Type: PDF

Language: English

Pages: 11




Despite not being of Chinese origin, fortune cookies have become a staple in a lot of Chinese restaurants. It is a crispy sugary treat with a proverb or quote inside to motivate your day. In this activity, the students will make a simple non-edible fortune cookie that will surely pique their interest!

Students should be able to make non-edible fortune cookies by only using paper and glue. And why not, use red paper for double luck!
Materials & Supplies
Glue, Scissors, Medium-sized box, Red Cardstock, Copy of List of Quotes, Copy of Circle Template