You can have it on your desk, your wall, or even on your fridge door! There's no need to worry about finding a new one when the new year rolls around. Join in on this fun activity and create your very own perpetual calendar!

Category: D.I.Y.

Grade Level: 3rd, 4th, 5th

File Type: PDF

Language: English

Pages: 10




No matter how modern and digital our world has become, having an actual calendar is still the norm. With this fun activity, students can learn how to create their own perpetual calendar using just paper and pins. This special calendar can be used year after year without having to change anything when the year ends!

The students should be able to make their own perpetual calendars.
Materials & Supplies
Glue, Scissors, Paper Fasteners, Assorted colored chalk, Ribbon, X-acto Knife, Colored Cardstock (various colors), Printed Template