Drink your favorite beverage in something you personally made and designed without worrying if it will be removed right away! What must be done to achieve this? Try this activity and learn how!

Category: D.I.Y.

Grade Level: 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th

File Type: PDF

Language: English

Pages: 6




In this lesson, students will make personalized mugs with vinyl stickers and permanent markers. They will learn how the vinyl stickers and paint can be made long lasting by baking the mugs in the oven.

The students will design a ceramic mug with vinyl stickers and permanent markers then bake them to seal the designs to the mug.
Materials & Supplies
Ceramic Mugs, Permanent Markers (preferably oil-based), Vinyl Stickers, Tissue, Nail Polish Remover, Q-Tips, Oven