Have you ever gone to the grocery store and paid for your purchases only to discover that the total included decimal points? Have you ever wondered what they are used for and how they are solved? Let's meet the decimals in this activity!

Category: STEAM

Grade Level: 4th, 6th, 7th, 8th

File Type: PDF

Language: English

Pages: 10




In this activity, the students will make a foldable wheel about the fundamental operations on decimals. It is a perfect handy-dandy tool for students wanting to learn more about decimals.

The students should be able to work together to assemble a decimal foldable wheel and familiarize themselves with the rules and examples on how to perform the various operations involving decimals.
Materials & Supplies
Crayons, Scissors, Glue, Colored Pens, Foldable Wheel Template, Rules and Examples Template